Feb '25:
Algorithms are breaking how we think
Aug '24:
Games Where You’re NOT the Main Character
Jul '24:
Why do we have grass lawns?
I hate grass
May '24:
Non-Euclidean Doom
1967 Video about atomic experiments at Brookhaven National Laboratory
(via Attoparsec)
Jan '24:
Tom Scott video about modern Long Barrows
Now I'm wishing I had a lot more property
Nov '23:
4.5 Billion Years in 1 Hour
Oct '23:
Collars, by Matthew Dockrey
Making a real Talkie Toaster
Because it needed to be done
Aug '23:
Wonky shapes can be made to roll along a specific path of your choice
Jun '23:
Making A Billion-Year Lego Clock
May '23:
Auto Tape Wrapping Machine
This is genius and I need one
Jan '23:
The Dawn Of Synthetic Milk
I honestly had no idea there were actual products available. Gonna hafta try some when I get a chance.
Excuse Me, Your Tie Is Unzipped
A history of zip ties. I always called them “tie wraps”, because that’s what my dad called them, but didn’t realize I was spelling it wrong and it was a brand name.
Dec '22:
(via attoparsec)
A procedural system for generating historical maps of rivers that never existed
The Two Thirds Keyboard (The worst keyboard in the world?)
My friend gets more ridiculous with time
Nov '22:
Pocket Typewriter
My friend is a ridiculous nerd
Disco Elysium and the death of art
Well, that made me sad
Adam Conover: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sam Bankman-Fried are actually… shockingly dumb
Oct '22:
Making a Fremen Thumper
Sep '22:
What it’s like to work in the world’s greatest office
(via Vox)
Kind of a sad ending.
Crypto Rebels (1993)
1993 was kinda crazy. Also, both weird and sad how little has changed since.
Reimagined Ramen Comes In Edible Package
As a consumer of a lot of ramen, I like this idea
Senior Engineers are Living in the Future
The Efficiency-Destroying Magic of Tidying Up
Desktop Democracy - 1993
Aug '22:
Rota counter
This looks really cool and I want one
May '22:
Vox: Who made these circles in the Sahara?
Apr '22:
Huge If True: Would you use an artificial womb?
Watch the ice maker work from inside the freezer
Jan '22:
Vox: Linoleum flooring is cool, actually
Don't eat the linoleum
Dec '21:
Permission Marketing
Haunted By Data
Big data is bad, m’kay?
Oct '21:
The Programmer's Dream
The Guy Who Worked For Money
Sep '21:
Programming Sucks
Yeah..... yeah.
Apr '21:
Country Centered Map Projections
(via JWZ)
Shapeshifting Streetlights
Dec '20:
“Lose Yourself” to a horse race
Oct '20:
99PI - For the Love of Peat
Bogs are Best
Sep '20:
Unsurprising how the Declaration of Independence is so applicable
Aug '20:
Podcast On A Floppy Disk
(via Hackaday)
Jul '20:
Shining City on a Hill?
(via BoingBoing)
Jun '20:
Color Copy Paste
A rather cool little tool. Just aiming it around my room was fun.
May '20:
Pizza arbitrage via Doordash
Touch-Typing On Fingertips
Alka Seltzer, oil and water in a glass
Pretty, in a slightly off-putting way.
Volcano-dwelling snails
Someone invented convertible hospital beds that turn into coffins
Convenient AND horrifying
Nov '19:
Extreme solar collection = cleaner cement et al